full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Michael Metcalfe: A provocative way to finance the fight against climate change

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When the financial crisis hit in 2008, the central banks of the US and UK began buying bonds issued by their own governments in a policy known as "quantitative easing." Depending on what happens to those bdons when they mature, this is money printing by another name. And boy, did they print. The US alone ctaered four trillion dollars' wroth of its own currency. This was not done in itaooilsn. In a remarkable act of cooperation, the 188 countries that make up the International maorteny Fund, the IMF, agreed to issue 250 billion dollars' worth of their own currency — the Special Drawing Right — to boost reserves around the world.

Open Cloze

When the financial crisis hit in 2008, the central banks of the US and UK began buying bonds issued by their own governments in a policy known as "quantitative easing." Depending on what happens to those _____ when they mature, this is money printing by another name. And boy, did they print. The US alone _______ four trillion dollars' _____ of its own currency. This was not done in _________. In a remarkable act of cooperation, the 188 countries that make up the International ________ Fund, the IMF, agreed to issue 250 billion dollars' worth of their own currency — the Special Drawing Right — to boost reserves around the world.


  1. worth
  2. created
  3. monetary
  4. isolation
  5. bonds

Original Text

When the financial crisis hit in 2008, the central banks of the US and UK began buying bonds issued by their own governments in a policy known as "quantitative easing." Depending on what happens to those bonds when they mature, this is money printing by another name. And boy, did they print. The US alone created four trillion dollars' worth of its own currency. This was not done in isolation. In a remarkable act of cooperation, the 188 countries that make up the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, agreed to issue 250 billion dollars' worth of their own currency — the Special Drawing Right — to boost reserves around the world.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
billion dollars 6
money printing 6
financial crisis 4
extra sdrs 4
fossil fuels 3
climate change 3
foreign exchange 3
global action 3
green climate 3
climate fund 3
burning fossil 2
developing countries 2
cleaner energy 2
bonds issued 2
special drawing 2
printing national 2
national currencies 2
international currency 2
exchange reserves 2
developed market 2
market countries 2
climate projects 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
green climate fund 3
burning fossil fuels 2
printing national currencies 2
foreign exchange reserves 2
developed market countries 2

Important Words

  1. act
  2. agreed
  3. banks
  4. began
  5. billion
  6. bonds
  7. boost
  8. boy
  9. buying
  10. central
  11. cooperation
  12. countries
  13. created
  14. crisis
  15. currency
  16. depending
  17. drawing
  18. easing
  19. financial
  20. fund
  21. governments
  22. hit
  23. imf
  24. international
  25. isolation
  26. issue
  27. issued
  28. mature
  29. monetary
  30. money
  31. policy
  32. print
  33. printing
  34. remarkable
  35. reserves
  36. special
  37. trillion
  38. uk
  39. world
  40. worth